Rules for Manuscripts Submissions

1. The main theme of this publication focus on teaching scene with educational technology, and any teacher or professional could submit the manuscripts related to the theme.

2. Education Scene is electrically published four times a year in January, April, July and October. Each issue of this journal which is edited in accordance with formal publication layout is peer-reviewed by double blind system. The contents about educational technology, E-learning, information integrated teaching, applied information education, educational book information and other relevant to fields within teaching scenes or exhibition events are suitable for submitting to this journal.

3. The authors are able to submit their manuscripts anytime, and could get the reply in one month after their manuscripts-submitting. Once the submitted manuscripts are accepted, the copyright of the manuscripts is deemed to authorize to Education Scene and Chinese Association for Computer and Educational Technology in order to reproduce, public transmit, authorize the databases or publish under the academic and teaching and other non-commercial purposes.

4. Requirements for Submission
 i. Manuscripts must be in electronic format which contains title of manuscript, name of author(s), title of organization of author(s), abstract, keywords, introduction, planning and implementing of curriculum, outcome, and review. The number of words written in the article shall not exceed the 7,000-word limit, and the citations should be in APA format.
 ii. The electronic file of the manuscript can be sent to
 iii. The acknowledgement could be added after the manuscript being accepted and published. The acknowledgement would be placed in back of the article, and the number of words should be under 60.

5. The right to delete the words of the manuscripts accepted by this journal is reserved by Education Scene under the consideration of editing operation.

6. The rules for manuscripts submissions always are which passed or amended by editorial board enforced immediately.

7. Please email to us with anytime, if you have any question or suggestion.